About your Captain.
Captain Jonathan Laurence has navigated Penobscot Bay and explored its many islands and hidden gems for nearly 30 years. A Mainer by birth, Jonathan has worked around the world as a photographer and instructor of photography and creativity workshops.
For more than 12 years, Jonathan served as Design Director for CIFF, an internationally recognized film festival, and for 4 years, he was the Creative Director at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art (CMCA). Jonathan has taught photography courses at Anderson Ranch, Maine Media Workshops, Nord Photography, and the University of Maine.
In 2018 Jonathan made a shift and took a job as a lobsterman fishing out of Rockport Harbor. His passion for the water and for adventure developed into Moon Dog Excursions, a way to share his infectious enthusiasm with others. In the off-season, Jonathan can be found navigating the globe, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, or floating around the North Atlantic on a container ship, making photos all the while.
About the Boat
Moon Dog was built in 1997 by RP Boat Shop in Steuben, Maine in conjunction with well-known designer Willis Beal. The RP31 is a serious custom-built, lobster-style, offshore vessel fitted out to commercial standards and recently upgraded with new navigation and electronics. It has a variety of new amenities including an enclosed head (toilet) accompanied by a hand washing sink. Moon Dog is designed for comfort and ready to take you on your next adventure or sunset cruise. Book your trip!
“Had the best excursion on Moon Dog! Captain Jon knows Penobscot Bay like the back of his hand. I would recommend this charter to anyone wanting to explore the islands of Maine.”
—Urban Exodus